Customer research as a rigorous and creative process for designing, building and launching new customer experiences
Expanding to new product services with an 80%+ interest score

Expanding to new product services with an 80%+ interest score

Healthline’s core business – providing health information to 70MM monthly users - has scaled well for 2+ years and the business was ready to expand. But expand to what exactly? DONECOMPANY helped move Healthline quickly from business ideas to tangible high-revenue market opportunities. 


Here’s how we did it.

1  Motivations research

Bringing any new product to market is high risk and high cost. It's not the time for guessing or gut calls. Our job is to mitigate those risks by using data and design to increase the understanding of the opportunity.  

Mine available data: After a deep dive into Healthline’s user analytics, we outlined the users, experiences, and differentiators that best aligned with their overall mission.

Research & analyze: We used quantitative research and further data-analysis to identify 9 key health motivations that signified business opportunities for a tightly defined consumer.  

2  Idea Development and Evaluation

To get from “could be” to a solid new opportunity, it's critical to evaluate the risks, failure points, monetization, capabilities, and go-to-market pitfalls that could indicate success or failure. 

Generate ideas: Within a week, we moved Healthline from structured brainstorming on a broad swath of ideas to a rigorous evaluation process. The end result was 9 new product opportunities that had broad appeal, addressed major audience motivations, and had significant monetization upside.  

Immediate User Input: We use quantitative surveys to identify the relative strength of new service ideas. As a result we identified 4 new services with an "interest" score over 80%; and 3 with a "likelihood to use" score over 70%.

3  Prototype learning

To gain the most confidence in new innovations and reduce risk, we design prototypes to maximize learning. We produced over 12 UX models and 3 clickable prototypes  - including a live-store test  - and research with target users.

Prototype tests: We identified the best position for market differentiation, highest value features and promises, and possible failure points.

Handoff: The Healthline team could take over the prototypes and with direct guidance on product features, go-to-market strategy, design and start experiences.

Results: Completed “Pre-Alpha” Sprint

Our goal for innovating new products with clients is to hand-off a potential new product where solid demand exists and an understanding of how that demand can best be exploited. We succeeded in uncovering break-though products for Healthline that achieve ambitious goals and have user validation within 10 weeks.

“DONE lives up to their name. They brought focused attention and real work with a results orientation to the project they did for Healthline – and within a short engagement managed to solve a complex set of problems which we had struggled with internally for nearly a year.”
David Kopp
CEO, Healthline
Our agenda? Up and to the right. :)

Our agenda? Up and to the right. :)

A path to 31% more registrations for Flipboard

A path to 31% more registrations for Flipboard